Seeds Trust Plan

We can help you build your family's future.

Seeds Trust uses Insurance as an Investment (IaaI). The Seeds Trust Plan (STP) is a "Participating" Whole Life Insurance Policy (WLIP) - meaning that you only have to pay into for a limited amount while retaining all benefits for life. Some key benefits include compounding tax-free cash returns and borrowing against the policy for a car, tuition, business loan, or vacation. Whole Life Insurance Policies are one of the leading methods for creating generational wealth.

In comparison to a Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP), Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP) or Mutual Fund, the Seeds Trust Plan provides investors with desirable returns that cannot be affected by market downturns. Therefore if there is a recession or market crash, your family can rest assured its future is secure.

Interested in learning more about using Insurance as an Investment? Our licensed financial advisors would love to speak with you and answer any questions you may have.

Fixed Compounding Returns
You can lose your shirt betting on an RESP. Seeds Trust Plans are not impacting by market downturns.
Perpetual Growth Forever
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Create First-Time Millionaires
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Insurance as an investment.

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Key Benefits

Protect and grow your wealth at zero risk.

Uninterrupted compounding interest that grows for life which you can access at anytime. You also have immediate liquidity, choose who assets are distributed to, and a number of other powerful benefits.

Uninterrupted Compounding Interest
The Seeds Trust Plan is more advanced than other policies in that it is never interrupted by changes in the market. Your wealth will continue to compound even it there's a recession or market crash.
Grows For Generations
The compound interest continues to grow for life and can even be transferred to your heirs so it continues to grow for generations.
Immediately Accessible
You have immediately liquidity. You can access the funds held in the Seeds Trust and pay it back or not. That choice is yours. Pure autonomy.
Complete Control
You control the Seeds Trust. You decide how the assets are distributed to yourself or your heirs. You have complete control.
Eliminate Capital Gains
Tax is the single biggest destroyer of wealth. The Seed Trust Plan grows completely tax-free.
Zero Management Fees
The Seeds Trust eliminates the typical fees of 2-4 % that funds charge. That is a huge savings over the course of 100 years.
Not Correlated To Stock Market
The trustees that we use have over 120 years of experience and track records of consistent dividends.
Convert To Tax-Free Retirement Plan
The Seeds Trust allows you to use your assets as a tax free retirement plan if needed.
Trust Can Last Generations
When structured correctly you can create a Trust fund that can last generations. That is the power of Dividend paying Participating Whole Life policies.
Proven Tool For The Wealth
This is a wealth creation and protection tool used by the top 0.1% of the world, such as the Rockefeller’s, Walt Disney and Ray Kroc.
Learn why families are abandoning RESP, RRSPs and Mutual Funds for Seeds Trust Plans.

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